In this section, you can watch our promotional video.
In this section, you can watch our promotional video.
Enjoy Lotte World Tower and Spring!
Currently, Lotte World Tower has a picnic, bellygom, pop-up store, etc.
Various events are prepared to enjoy 200% of spring
'I found a picnic spot this spring...'
Lotte World Tower and Spring, JJu ggu & Mimi came back after healing
Looking for people to enjoy together (1/100000000000)
Let's go together with Rotta and Bom to feel both fun and healing!
🌸Lotte World Tower and Spring Event🌸
[Event Period] April 7 (Fri) ~ April 16 (Sun)
[Venue] Lotte World Tower World Park & Arena Plaza
[Bellygom Exhibition Period] April 1 (Sat) ~ April 23 (Sun)
Caster Yun Jju-ku has been assigned a mission as a correspondent for Lotte!
The first mission given to his new buccaneer, 🐙 Correspondent 🐙 Yunjjukkoo!
📝 What is the reason why mz are coming to lotta these days?
Correspondent Jjukkoo Yoon digs into the real heart of the hot MZ who visited Lotte!
Even a hidden camera in the middle of my mind..?
What is the result of Correspondent Yoon Jju-ku's first mission?
Curious person ~~~ Buddha Hands up! 🙌🙌
롯데월드타워로 떠나는 꿈같은 크리스마스 여행 🎄Christmas Dream Moments🎄
머무르는 것 자체로 꿈꾸는 듯한 설렘을 느낄 수 있는 곳,롯데월드타워에 8년 만에 돌아온 🐥러버덕🐥이랑 인생샷 찍으러 올거덕?💛🧡
더 귀엽고 웅장한 모습으로롯데월드타워 캐스터 윤쭈꾸가 석촌호수에서 수영을!? 🏊♂+🏃🏻 #LOTTE_Oe_Race
지난 8월 7일 롯데월드타워에서 2022 LOTTE Oe Race가 개최됐어요!롯데월드타워 롯데뮤지엄 [셰퍼드 페어리, 행동하라] 드로잉 작업🎨
예술을 넘어서 하나의 문화 코드로 자리 잡은롯데월드타워 123F에서 사진 찍어 DREAM!! 📸✨1등에게는 💸백만원💸 상당의 캐논 카메라 증정까지?
롯데월드타워 5주년을 맞이해 진행한Hot scene of LOTTE WORLD TOWER 2022 SKYRUN🔥
The 'Skyrun' event, which returned after 3 years, was held at April 23 at Lotte World Tower.